The Download with Dr Kelly – May

As you might remember from my update in March, huge change is underway for the aesthetics industry. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) recently issued updates concerning the advertising protocols for cosmetic injectables. As soon as these new regulations were announced, the industry has been awash with uncertainty, and our peers have been seeking more clarity around what is allowed and what is ending in terms of our advertising and information given to patients.

During April, the Coastal Goddess team and I had a direct engagement with the TGA to find out more and get the clarity we were looking for. From now on, we are no longer allowed to mention what the treatment specifically is. So from now on we’re no longer allowed to use terms like ‘dermal filler’ or ‘anti-wrinkle injections’ in our marketing materials.

We’ve also been forced to say goodbye to before-and-after images featuring prescription products, and we can’t widely educate our patients, by explaining how injectable treatments work. We have noticed that peers are still using before and after images, despite clear instructions from the TGA, so it will be interesting to see how policed the new regulations will be.

While it’s frustrating that we’re not able to be clear and transparent around what we offer and what those products can achieve for our patients,  we are focusing our attention on how we move forward. You’ll see this month that we’re pushing ahead with a new campaign called “Mum’s The Word”. Not only does it tie in perfectly with all of our Mother’s Day activities (make sure you book you and mum in for an Express Oxygen Facial with Sam and Bron!), but it also speaks to the fact that our communication around our prescription product offering is changing.

You’ll see as part of the TGA compliant campaign that we are now talking more to the concerns that our patients have, rather than the treatment that addresses it. We want our patients to know we have all the same treatments on offer, we are only changing the way we advertise those products. I’m hoping that the campaign will allow us to have a bit of fun with this new advertising style… it’s not all gloom and doom and we need to quickly adapt with what’s being asked of us by Government regulators.

Aside from that brain-ache, I’ve been flat out busy! Between being in the clinic and then doing my normal two days a week at the hospital, then throw in my Dancing With The Stars training and prepping for our Dirty Dancing fundraiser, I’m pretty spent!

Shane and I got up to Nambucca for a couple of days at the end of the school holidays, which was great. While I was there, I was able to see patients in the area and make sure they were all up to date on their treatments (Mums the word!). I really enjoy getting out into the regional areas and meeting with patients from all over – we all deserve to feel like Goddesses, no matter where we live!


During March and April, we onboarded two new Registered Nurses, Emily and Bronwyn and I’m so relieved at the thought of them taking some of my work load so I can begin to mine some me time and get some balance back into my busy schedule. Both Emily and Bron are amazing nurses who have both worked in theatre/hospital environments and I know there’s nothing they can’t handle. Emily has recently done her Galderma training and will be able to assist me with all our prescription treatments, which is really exciting.

You might have seen that both Bron and Emily have 30% discounts live right now for any of our Advanced Skin Treatments until the end of May, and Emily also has 30% off all our treatments, including prescription treatments until the end of May too. Make sure you make the most of that sale!

May is a big month for Coastal Goddess – not only do we have our Mother’s Day in-clinic event on Friday, 10 May but we also have our Dirty Dancing Fundraiser event at Avoca Beach Theatre on Saturday, 11 May, which is going to help me raise funds for my Dancing With The Stars efforts! Tickets are still available for purchase and we would love to see you all there!

I’m looking forward to letting you know how it all goes! Until then, I’ll continue with my weekly dance lessons, and get ready for the big event! Make sure you book in for a consultation to discuss any of your current skin concerns. The team and I are always here to find the most effective solution to all your skin needs!